There are some days that we all need a pick me up or some sunshine in our lives and with certain people or words we get just that. I sometimes read old emails or blogs from people that are close to my heart to find the happiness that I need for the moment....just to remember how wonderful life really is. Then there are those new emails that all of a sudden appear in your inbox *you've got mail sound* (lol) that gives you a take your breath away moment, from the thought of someone thinking about you. I love Momz emails that tell me straight or the ones that she sends just to brighten my day and make me take a break from life's chaotic moments. I love getting emails letting me know someone has commented on a blog post, makes me feel good. I will read certain people's blogs over and over again until I fall asleep just because I love the them and the work that they do. I hope that one day I can compare just a little to those blogs that I love so much. So today I challenge you to email someone you love and let them know you are thinking about them or to just say hello. By giving this simple gesture there may be something waiting in return in your inbox *you've got mail sound*.
i love you
ReplyDeleteif you wish to be a model, you certainly have the beauty for it so follow your heart baby and know you are already adored and loved by me.....still loving you,,,,wink