Monday, February 28, 2011

Sometimes There Are Hiccups

Every relationship personal or business will have what I like to call a hiccup. Real terminology for hiccups would be an argument, a bump in the road, or a mere disagreement. Just because we have a hiccup with someone or something every once in awhile doesn't mean it is the end of the world, just a disagreement. As for me I sometimes get really bothered by the hiccups that I have with other people or things in my life. Maybe it is because I am a little sensitive at times but there are some people that I would never want to have a hiccup with, just because of who they are and my relationship with them. Recently I had a hiccup with a person with whom I care a lot about personally and on the business level. I have to say it was truly the pits for me and from that one hiccup I learned a tremendous amount about the quality of the relationship that I have with that person and how much a hiccup can actually help and not hurt a situation. Though I worried a lot that day after having a disagreement with this person apart of me knew I had made a mistake with the way I conducted my self in the situation I was in. The next day I made a simple phone call that was truly the water that cured the hiccups. After apologizing for my actions I learned one of the most important lessons from one of the most important people in my life. That lesson being that while conducting business there will sometimes be things that I don't agree with and I will sometimes get frustrated with business situations, but there is a time and place to handle those things that I don't and won't always agree with. I now know even more so than before that the one person I always go to will continue to be there no matter what the frustration at hand is. Nothing has changed and he will not change no matter what the situation. However, he will always be the person that helps balance out the business aspect of my world and make everything better. I feel lucky and blessed to have him in my world as a friend and a business mentor. Hiccups can sometimes hurt and become obnoxiously loud but a mere conversation which serves as a glass of water can cure even the most common cases of hiccups.

Friday, February 25, 2011

The Bittersweet Goodbyes

As most people do I hate goodbyes, they are the pits. However goodbyes are a part of life, that we will never be able to avoid. We can say hello one minute and soon after be bidding farewell to something great. I feel as though I have had to say goodbye more than enough times in these short 26 years that I have lived. Having to say goodbye to my two best friends in the whole world was hard but as of late I am having to say goodbye to a new friend. A friend with whom I have only known for a little amount of time but yet and still I feel like its just as hard to say goodbye. Maybe it is so hard for me to say goodbye because I feel as though I have had to do it so much, or maybe its because goodbyes are just hard by themselves. Whatever the reason I wished they didn't exist but they do so I am going to just have to deal with them as they come. On the other hand if we didn't have to say goodbye to things or people then we wouldn't ever know the reasons they were put in our lives in the first place. Sometimes we have to say goodbye for better things to come, to know what those things mean to us, or how good they really are to us. I feel as though I will truly learn something from this goodbye just because its a different goodbye. I don't feel as though it is the end of this newly found friendship that has just began but maybe the beginning to a longer one with a little distance in between. The great thing is we are still going to be friends and I get to go to a new city that I have never visited before and maybe take on some new adventures. One thing is certain this goodbye won't be easy but this friend is definitely someone worth missing and will certainly be missed very much. <3

Sunday, February 20, 2011

My Birthday

This past week I was on vacation for my birthday and this weekend I happened have made it to the Port City for my birthday bash that was given by one of my best girlfriends Monique. This weekend was one of the best weekends I have ever had and the memories that I have made will be unforgettable. I hate that the weekend is coming to a close but it has definitely been one of the funnest weekends that I have had. My birthday party was thrown at an authentic Japanese restaurant and it was very classy and intimate. The people that was able to be apart of it Monque, Latifa, Tuesday, and Pleasure, I can't thank you ladies enough for making it pure happiness for me. My cake was an amazing Marylin Monroe cake in which Monique truly put her heart into having made because she knew it would make me happy. She thought of everything when it come to planning this party and her hard work definitely paid of because made this Super Model a very happy woman. Every detail was perfection and had my name written all over everything that was planned for me. From the place the party was hosted at, the cake, the gifts, and the lovely people that made this weekend so special, I couldn't be anymore happier than I am at this very moment. I want to thank you ladies from the bottom of my heart, I really cannot put into words how happy this weekend has made me because of how special each of you made it for me. THANK YOU AGAIN AND I LOVE EACH OF YOU WITHOUT AN END. <3

Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Woman's Intuition

We as women have an intuition and for the most part that intuition is going to always let us know when something is not right. In relationships, friendships, and life our intuition will always help us with decision making. My intuition has definitely helped me to see the light when I was supposed to rather than whether I wanted to. There have been numerous times when I have had my intuition show me the truth over all lies and real over all fake. Relationships and friendships that were full of lies have definitely been exposed because of my intuition and the insight that it gave me about those situations. People that have been painted fake were definitely washed away with truth because of the honesty my intuition brought to me. For all women there have been many instances in your life in which your intuition told you the truth about dishonesty in your life I am sure. There probably have also been times that you tried to ignore that honest intuition and became very deceived by the lies being told around you, but in the end you realized you should have followed that never wrong always right intuition of yours. There have been relationships and friendships in my life that have been deceived by lies and the fake but I have learned to always follow that intuition of mine that never guides me in the wrong direction but always brings me to my right destination. Through everything ladies remember that your woman intuition is aways right and will never lie to you.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Drama Love And Relationships

When the going gets tough in relationships are we really supposed to just deal with it? I used to believe that relationships were supposed to be this absolute perfect thing. As I have grown older I have learned that relationships are not perfect and they take a tremendous amount of work if you want them to be successful. However, there comes a time in any relationship if the drama outweighs the love then there may need to do some reconsidering on the relationship. Sometimes you can work on a relationship and there be no progress, therefore, the work really isn't paying off. The big question would be what is it that you are working on if no progress is being made. As I have stood in the background and watched one of my closest girlfriends relationship it  has reminded me of my previous relationship in many aspects. She just like I did has fought very hard for the man she loves and the relationship she is in, but it has come to a complete stand still. She has been through everything with this man yet and still he continues to do wrong. His wrong doings continue to break her heart and make her unhappy. Although there will always be some sort of drama in a relationship there has to also be boundaries set. We no matter man or woman have to know exactly what we want and what we are and aren't willing to put up with in a relationship. If the same mistakes become repetitive then it is really not a mistake anymore it has become more of a habit. Sometimes difficult decisions have to be made to bring peace to a situation, even if it does mean ending a relationship. Sometimes we try and fight the fact that we really need to let go but in reality it may be something that we just need to do. After ending a relationship I had been in for three years I was heartbroken but time definitely allowed me to see that he was not the one for me. I did not deserve the things that he put me through and he didnt deserve me and the woman I was to him. So with that being said my friend does not deserve the things that she has to endure everyday in the relationship she is in and her worth is far more valuable than him and the things he puts her through. To her, you are one of the strongest women I know and everything will work out in due time, you and I both know this from past experiences.

SN: Anything worth having is worth fighting and if you really want something to work you have to go to war. Also remember both people have to put up an equal fight during the war or else the war becomes a total loss with nothing to fight for.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Birthday Wishes And Thanks

February 15, my birthday and such a special day for me. Turning 26 was great but having the people that I care most about join me on this day was even better. Although I was missing 2 very important people of my life who live a million miles away, even with the distance they still made it special. My dinner went splendidly well and the faces of the people I care so much about made it such a wonderful time.
Hello's and Thank You's Jen,Nassiyah,and Kendrick for my wonderful Marilyn Monroe picture, loved it. Jen thanks for laughing and having those cocktails with me. Nassiyah thanks for twitpicin me and spelling my twitter name wrong lol. Charles thank you for gracing us with your presence, everyone was glad they got to meet the person that they hear so much about. Also thanks for bringing Jaylen he was a joy as always. Erin you were as always extra quiet,thank you for your presence and lovely card I loved it. Yolanda I enjoyed having you there with your tardy for the party self, I love you mama and thanks for my BeBe. There were a few people missing my @MzDaniB09 wasn't there due to work your presence was missed. El's I wished you were there because I miss you calling me Yam. Aria you called during the dinner so you were there in spirit. The time would have been even better if you were there in the physical with your bootaylicious self. Also my 2 girls that I love beyond all words Heather H.E.R. your twitter made my heart melt and I burst into tears while I was at the office. Good tears though, I miss you and wished you were here you haven't ever missed my birthday! I love you like there is no tomorrow <3! Monique you and I will be reunited and it feels so good in 1 day being that I'm writing this today, Wednesday at 3am. I wished you were there to give me those laughs , those breathtaking, stomach hurting laughs. I love you without an end. Can't wait for my party that you are going to be the host of this weekend, I know its gonna be Super Model status. You are right celebrities don't know some of their fans but this weekend I will and by the way I have made it known my birthday is all week until Sunday! These are some of the most important people in my life and each of them made this day very special for me. I thank you all kindly and I love you all greatly <3. To those who flooded my facebook,twitter,called and or text me thank you for the love and thinking of me on this special day! <3 Love, Me

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Salautations 26 And Farewell 25

Birthdays, getting older, and age these things are all a natural part of life, they come around every year for everyone. Each year my birthday is a big deal for me but this year in particular it is an even bigger deal. Seeing 25 go and 26 come is exciting because of this new beginning that I have in my life, not only that but also because I am continuing this journey in becoming the woman that I long to be. I am not one bit scared of being a year older because with age comes wisdom. I hope that 26 will be as lucky as past years but also I hope for it to be a year full happiness, blessings, and just living life to its fullest. I can't wait for what 26 entails with all its peaks and pits but most importantly I can't wait to just see what will happen over the next year in my life. Excited, I hope it is just as wonderful as years past, with just as many sex and the city moments too :-). Age is nothing but a number and isn't such a bad thing especially when there is so many things about it to be excited about. So with everything you are going to bring, 26 I am excited about you and salutations! <3

Friday, February 11, 2011

For Nassiyah

Today this very special girl by the name of Nassiyah who is close to my heart said something that blew me away, she said " gosh Candice you are perfect I just love you and everything about you, you and your life are so perfect". I had to laugh at those words that humbled me to the core and made me just a tad bit embarrassed. While I am only one of your mother's closest friends, me being the person I am I always want to set a good example for you because I know you look up to me. I also have to say that the person I am surpasses every materialistic thing that I have, and the prettiness that you see on the outside doesn't come close to comparing to who I really am on the inside. I have worked hard and fought hard to become the woman that I am today. While having nice things is wonderful, there is so much more to life than clothes, shoes, a car, and my wonderful downtown apartment. Remember that materialistic things don't matter at the end of the day it is the genuine and real things that give your life the most pleasure. I hope to teach you how beautiful it is for a woman to be strong and have class. Self respect is one of the most important things a human being can have because if you have respect for yourself then other people will have respect for you too. Values and morals are a very important part of my life so make sure you have yours and follow them, they will play a very big part in who you will become. Life isn't fair and through the years you will learn that and sometimes it will totally suck having to deal with all the unfairness. Sometimes we as women have to fight ten times harder because we are women living in supposedly a mans world, but remember we can live in a mans world just be the best woman you can be in it. You will fall in love plenty of times before you are 25 and your heart will get broken more times than one, but one day you will find true love and it will be the best thing you will ever know. I can't tell you everything about life, its through living your that you will learn about life and all its many lessons. For you Nassiyah, you are such a beautiful girl who will one day in turn become an even more beautiful woman. I can already see that you are going to be a fashionista yourself, its a joy to share some of my fashion secrets with you. Continue to let academics be the main priority in your life, learning is fundamental in becoming successful. Always follow the beat of your own tune, it is with that beat that you will find who you really are. Always be yourself because you will be most beautiful when being perfectly yourself. You make it such a pleasure for me to be myself around you. I love you very much and will always be here for you. Love, Candice <3

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Simple Things

Throughout the day I find that the smallest and most simplest things are those that make me the happiest. I feel that we as human beings take the small things for granted and give them the least thought. We sometimes appreciate the simple things less while the more extravagant things get the most attention but sometimes don't have as much meaning. I, however, feel that its the little things throughout the day that makes me happiest. Last week I was at best buy and was playing on an IPAD and left my best friends blog up for everyone to see and I twittered a twit pic of it to show her because she is a million miles away. Later that night she retweeted my tweet and it was then that my entire week was made because of her simple gesture. She made that simple act of mine and her gesture the best moment of that entire week. This morning Mama Sarah called to ask was I okay from the incident yesterday, that just made my day more pleasant. I knew I was in her thoughts and it showed she really cared and that is very much appreciated. One of my best girlfriends text me tonight and said and I quote " A TRUE FRIEND IN DEED, THANK U", the message came out of nowhere. I asked her why, she said "nothing just because you are", at that very moment I felt the biggest smile in my heart. These are those simple things that I wouldn't trade for anything in the world, on any given day. Thanks to the people in my life with whom give me the simplest pleasures, they really mean so much to me and I appreciate them dearly. The simple things are the things that make my life so much more worthwhile. <3

No Tears Came Today

Today started out good like most days, just being able to wake up and see another day made me thankful. On my way to work the weather was absolutely wonderful, business 40 however was a ridiculous mess. Construction was being done and to make a long story short I was at a complete stop when a man going 45mph rear ended me. I usually would fall apart and go into crying spell over a situation of this kind but I got out of my car calm, cool, and collected to make sure he was alright. Then proceeded to get back in my car and called Mama Sarah aka Momz, I told her what had happened and also told her there were no tears none at all. Her pleasant response was my little Super Model baby is growing up look at you, that was the best thing I could have heard all day. At that very moment I realized she was so right and couldn't have been more right about anything else. Although I am a 25 year old grown woman there are still moments of panic and frustration when I get to my breaking point. Somewhere in this passed year I guess I reached this peace within myself and I now know that frustration, panic, and nerves will get you nowhere. Today was another lesson and another one of God's ways of speaking to me, that showed me just how far I have come. I am thankful for every experience, battle, or test that has made me shed those tears of mine, that I normally would have shed in a moment of mere frustration like today. At this moment I am even more proud and grateful to say those tears did not come today, they were nowhere to be found. <3

Monday, February 7, 2011

Through You I Know Life

There is an amazing woman in my life that nobody will ever be able to compare to, she is my Grandmother (or Nan as Ryan would say). My life has a wonderful story, she is the only person that can tell it to its truth. She is the one human being that knows every story, wound, heartbreak, laugh, and cry of mine and can still remember every intricate detail of each. She knows me sometimes better than I know myself, there are days that I don't have to say anything and she knows exactly what I am feeling and what's going on. The meaning that she brings my life is unexplainable and overwhelms me. I look at her in awe with emotion because of the woman that she is. Incredible, strong, selfless it's these things that make her so amazingly wonderful. There is no love in the world like hers and on the worst days I feel comfort just by having her presence in my life. The memories I have with her will always be the most important to me because through those memories I have happiness and love that won't ever leave me for one second. To her my whole life's happiness is wrapped up in you, I can only hope to make another human being as happy as you have made me in my life. I pray that I can become half of the woman that you are and if I do, then I know that I am going to be just fine. You give my heart its love and my life some of the most incredible moments I will ever have. Thank you for sharing the simple yet most beautiful and meaningful things that you have with me, I am forever grateful. I can always come to your house and feel at home, knowing that I can be myself without boundaries, that's just one of the things that I love the most about you. I love you more than I can ever show or truly tell you. I hope that I continue to make you proud of me in all that I do, your opinion is what matters the most in my life. I long to be every single ounce of the woman you are, it is through you in which I know life. I love you forever! <3 Meg
(P.S. Thank You for teaching and loving Ryan the way you have me for 25 years, he is the love of my life and I know he is yours too. I am also sure that he will love and appreciate you the same way I do one of these days! Last thing I miss singing for you and watching basketball with you but maybe we can catch a game together real soon!)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

An Honest And Logical Man You Are

Thanks to a very unbiased man with whom I spoke to yesterday, I received some reassurance and confidence that I truly was in need of. He has been my friend for about four years and the best part about him is his ability to be honest and logical all at the same time. There aren't many men that I would go to for advice but he is one that I can always trust as far as opinions are concerned. He gave me a sense of direction on a certain situation and reassured me that I would be okay regardless of my decision, he said if I wasn't okay I could call him everyday until I became okay again. I have had a difficult time as of late trying to get my feelings out verbally and I guess you could say I am just a little scared. After discussing the situation with him he told me that from a mans perspective, any man could look at me and be attracted by my looks but once they got to know me they would be attracted to ME also. He also told me that there was no need to worry about letting my feelings and emotions out, that in due time they will just release themselves. As we talked about the guy situation he said that when the time is right to tell someone how I feel I shouldn't be scared I should just say it because the opportunity may not present itself again. This I know to be true already but that was my confirmation, to just say it or else the moment passes me by. I was also told that if someone is asking me how I feel or my thoughts especially if its a man, then that man wants to really know how I feel and I should tell him, however, if things are okay the way they are and I just want to see what happens then let things happen the way they may. So to you my friend thank you for your most logical and honest advice yet, I think I will just go with the flow and let things happen as they will in the way in which they are supposed to. <3 :-)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Today I Had A Thought

Today I had a thought what if I hadn't met some of my closest friends? My life would not be as wonderfully blessed if they weren't apart of my life. I find it hard to surround myself with a lot of females, the reason being is I believe females to be caddy and not trustworthy to say the very least, most of them anyways. There are a few chosen ones ,however, that I would never want to go a day without. So what if a few of them are a million miles away they are still only a simple phone call away.
(H.E.R.) Even though you took that move to NYC to chase those wonderful dreams, I could never replace you. Since the 4th grade we have been friends and I can truly say you are my best friend. You have seen some of my most saddest moments yet happy ones too. We have had a lot of fun along the way and I will never forget the memories we made. When your home I'm here and its those moments that we get as of late that will last forever because of the little time we have. I am proud of you and your talent but most of all I'm proud to call you my friend and to let everyone know about herfection. You have so many admirers and fans, I am so lucky to have you in my life. You still enrich my life everyday. "You are the perfect verse over a tight beat" <3
(Monique) I sometimes get emotional thinking about you and our friendship. I don't think there is another human being that can compliment my life the way you do. Since the day I met you I knew we were meant to know each other. I am so glad I found my friend named Monique that I have wanted ever since I was a little girl. You and I have a vibe that not even the worst day can kill and on the best days we could kill the world. I am able to be completely myself with you and nothing less, that I am forever grateful for. This may be selfish but the thing I miss most about you not being here is the way we laugh. Those laughs are indescribable and they bring so much happiness to my heart. Thank you for loving CANDICE for the person that I am flaws and all. I feel most beautiful when I can be perfectly myself. You are one beautiful woman don't ever forget that.
(Yolanda) even if there is a break at the moment, I can't help but think of you. You and I have been witnesses to one another's pits of pain and humongous amounts of happiness. Thank you for always being there to listen and always know that I'm here to listen even if it's 3am. I enjoy nothing more than spending time with you watching Sex And The City and eating those cookies you bake. We have laughed and cried together and it's in those moments that I find the most comfort. Thank you again for sharing Jon Bradley and Adrianna with me I love them bigger than the universe. The make me smile even when I thought I couldn't. I love you dearly forever.
(Erin) wow the times we have had, great times at that. You are always there and you are always a true friend. You lend your ear for all my complaining and you lend your advice to help me see the bright side. I thank you for helping me move a trillion times, with you there the moves have always been much easier. I love reminiscing about Wes and all those fun times in HP, those were the days. Now we can look forward to an even better future filled with even more laughs. Thank you for having my friendship and my super model ways to be apart of your life.
(Danica) or Danika as I use to spell it, you are my honey bee :-) lol. One of the best moments that I think about often was when you were doing my hair and said to me and I quote "Candice I never thought I would be this close to you because the first day I met you I didn't know you were this person". That made my heart flutter to think I was of some importance so thank you for that moment. You are my Marilyn Monroe partner, we will love her forever. You and I are one in the same in the beauty department, nobody can tell us we aren't beautiful. I love the person I am when I am with you and how we just have fun and laugh at everything. Thank you for sharing your family with me also for you and Wes being the three musketeers with me. You have my laugh on the best of the best days and most importantly on the worst of the worst days. I so look forward to future road trips and girl dates with you. If ever you need my words just let me know, I hope at anytime I can make you feel better. You make my heart sing! This @SuperModel00 loves you @MzDaniB09!
(Jen) Lastly but certainly not least. I was taken back by you at first but after a bit you and I were able to vibe. You certainly seen me through some of my most challenging times at the job and if it weren't for you I don't know if I would have lasted, even if I am the tough bish that I am. Your outlook on life has helped me relax a bit more and I can say by relaxing I can enjoy myself a bit now. We compliment each other will with all the things we have been through in life, with those compliments we have great stories to tell. I thank you for your stories and you sharing some of your most private ones with me. I enjoy our Friday nights together it helps make the week a little more relaxed, being able to let the negative out and positive flow through. You are definitely one of the strongest women I know and a wonderful mom (don't lose sight of being that great mom even if it is about to be the most trying time of parenting). I know that I can call you to get some of the most personal advice when needed *wink* and thanks. Thanks for the steam cleaner scar, I did always want a scar but I didn't think it would have been on my leg. I appreciat
e your friendship and those laughs we have. Thanks for being such a great friend and cleaning my throw up, yet still allowing me to sleep in your bed after being as sick as I was:-). This blog wouldn't have been complete unless I added you to it so forgive me for the absence the first time. I love you <3!
These are those girls that no matter what, I always want each of them in my life. You women make each day more pleasant and happy for me. I know that no matter what day it is there will always be the honest part about each of our friendships that I won't be able to replace. I am lucky and blessed to have each one of your presence in my life. Thank you girls for your friendships. I love you all with every fiber of my being. Today I had a thought, I want each of you in my life forever. <3