Friday, April 8, 2011

Ladies We Are The Standard

Men are stuck in this world of there own thinking that their expectations is the cream of the crop. Them having this mind made up opinion of how to treat women and what they expect from women is there fault but ladies it is also our fault as well. A lot of women including myself at times have given a man the opportunity to act like a fool and treat us any kind of way. So with that being said if we as women allow them the freedom to treat us as they wish, then we can kiss a good relationship goodbye and welcome the drama and foes of a bad relationship. Men shouldn't expect us to give and give while they just take and take, but we allow them to do that. We as women have to be the deal breakers, the standard, the strong women we really are, and let them know our worth. We have to teach them exactly how to treat us and love us, but most of all that they have to RESPECT us too. We can allow them to continue on a road of bad standards or we can make them understand that we are the standards and we demand to be treated like the Queens we are. So from now on ladies remember that it is truly up to us to set the standard of how men will treat women by being the standard, and teaching them how to treat you. We as women have more power than we realize, so from now own ladies use your power to be the standard and make the men in this word learn the standard.

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