Friday, May 27, 2011

A Woman Is Measured And Statistics Lie

I fell completely in love with this ad when I found it so I had to share...
I am beyond in love with Marylin Monroe....
She is truly an ICON to this day and will remain one for an eternity.
 Nike truly hit it out of the park with this ad.

“AWOMAN IS OFTEN MEASURED by the things she cannot control. She is measured by the way her body curves or doesn’t curve, by where she is flat or straight or round. She is measured by 36-24-26 and inches and ages and numbers, by all the outside things that don’t ever add up to who she is on the inside. And so if a woman is to be measured, let her be measured by the things she can control, by who she is and who she is trying to become. Because every woman knows measurements are only statistics and STATISTICS LIE". -1994 Nike Ad Campaign

A Woman's Worth

This is something that I found awhile ago and it kind of ties into my previous post....Women tend to forget their worth when they are busy putting other people first. We as women have to know our worth.

A Woman's Worth

When God created woman he was working late on the 6th day
 when an angel came by andShe asked:
"Why are you spending so much time on this one?"
And the Lord answered: "Have you seen the spec sheet on her?"
"She must be washable, but not made of plastic, have more than 200 moving
parts which all  must be replaceable and she must function on diet
coke and leftovers, she must be able to embrace several kids at the same
time, give a hug that mend a broken heart and a kiss that can heal any
wound and she must do all of this with only two hands".

The angel was impressed. "Just two hands….impossible!"
And this is the standard model?! said the Lord
"Too much work for one day….wait until tomorrow to complete her."
"I will not, said d the Lord. I am so close to completing this
creation, which is the closest to my heart".
"She cures herself when she is sick and she can work 18 hours a day".

The angel came nearer and touched the woman. "But you have made her so soft, Lord"
"She is soft”, said the Lord, "But I have also made her strong. You
can't imagine what she can endure and overcome."
"Can she think?” the angel asked.The Lord answered:
"Not only can she think, she can reason and negotiate as well .”

The angel touched the woman's cheek….
"Lord, it seems this creation is leaking! You have put too many burdens on her."
"She is not leaking….it's a tear" said the Lord correcting the angel
"What is it for?” asked the angel.

And the Lord said:
"Tears are her way of expressing her joys, her happiness, her love,
her grief, her sorrow, her loneliness, and her pride."
This made a big impression on the angel; "Lord, you are truly
genius. You thought of everything. The woman is indeed marvelous!

”Indeed she is! said the Lord  
Women have strengths that amaze men.
 A woman can handle troubles and carry heavy burdens.
She holds happiness, love and opinions. She smiles when she feels like screaming.
She sings when she wants to cry, she cries when she is happy and she laughs when she is afraid.
She fights for what she believes in. She stands up to injustice. She
doesn't take 'no' for an answer, when she can see a better solution.
She gives every part of herself so that her family can thrive.
Shetakes her friend to the doctor if she is afraid.
Her love is unconditional. She cries when her kids are victorious.
 She is happy when her friends excell.
She is overjoyed when she hears of a birth or a wedding.
Her heart is broken when a loved one or a friend dies.
But she finds the strength to get on with life. She knows that a kiss
and a hug can heal a broken heart.

However, there is only one thing wrong with her
That is.....she forgets her worth…

Change Starts With You

I have about seven close girlfriends in my life and I do not always get to see or talk to each one of them on a daily basis but I would like to think that my friendship with each of them are constant. Although each one of these girls are different in their on way, each of these ladies are strong and beautiful. However, I feel as though we as women sometimes forget our worth especially when we put our all into relationships with the men in our lives. So to these women even though you may be in love or eventually will find love again with the man of your dreams, I am here to tell you this....Always remember to make yourself happy first because if you are not happy you cannot succeed in making someone else happy. Be willing to work hard to make a relationship work because hard work is definitely what it takes to help any relationship grow and become wonderful. However, if a man is not willing to compromise with you then you have a slight problem because in a relationship as I have wrote before you must learn to compromise. When your boyfriend is not helpful and continuously makes it hard for you to be happy, then there is a true problem and you could probably say he is selfish. If you are in a relationship with a selfish man the do expect your happiness to some second in his life maybe even in last place depending on how selfish he is. We definitely set the standard and we are the ones determining our own happiness we just have to make sure that we make ourselves happy even if it does mean making some really hard decisions when it comes to the man in our life. Do not ever let the man in your life walk all over you because when you let him the first time he has made stomping grounds to do it again and again. You have to be the one to say this is how I want the things in my life to be and this is how they are going to be. The change starts with you and ends with you so you are in control of where the relationships in your life go.
SN:: This is a really personal blog for me because I see these beautiful women that are so close to my heart compromising all their happiness for the relationship they are in or the man they are with. You ladies are amazing and truly deserve all the wonderful things your heart desires....Do not forget your worth.

Two Of The Loveliest Things In My Life

There are some lovely things that make my life wonderful on a daily basis but nothing will ever compare to these two........
Jon Bradley and Adrianna
These two babies are my borrowed children from one of my closest girlfriends. They give me peace and only with the peace that they bring am I allowed to go places thay I never imagined. They make the most chaotic days more bearble and everyday better for me.
They give meaning to my life that I have no right to expect and make my life so wonderful. I often wished that I would never have to give them back and that they were mine to keep forever and ever.

They make hello's wonderful and goodbye's oh so hard....I love them bigger than the universe, only if they knew just how much! <3
SN:: Thanks to my girlfriend Yolanda for allowing me them to be apart of my life.....I admire the Mother that you are to them.

New Direction

I have put a lot of thought into going into a new direction with this blog and making it not only a blog about my life, love, relationships, my girlfriends and friendships but about all of that and the simple things yet the pleasurable things in my life too. Maybe posting things that inspire me and others but also keep my insightful blogs about my life coming as well. I still want to be able to share my life and be a Carrie Bradshaw persona, if you will, but also liven things up a little too. Regardless which direction I choose to take I do not want to lose the whole concept of why I really started this blog in the first place but I also want to bring something that is truly me and then some to the table. I want this blog to be about my life, lessons, love, girlfriends, relationships, friendships, fashion, and the simple yet beautiful things in life. I want to stand out from the rest by making this blog have it all and give it something that does indeed stand out from the rest. This is my blog and alot like my life it is a work in progress but I am so in love with every bit of it!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Learning To Love Again

For anyone ending a relationship it is hard but sometimes the harder part is allowing you to move on, and love again. These are the tricky things in life but there comes a time when you have to let go of past demons, relationships, and heartbreaks, so that you can feel those beautiful things there use to be with someone new. As hard as these things may be the thought of not ever loving again should be even harder for you to grasp than the thought of you ever being hear broken again. Heartbreaks and people come and go, however, you can choose to move on, start fresh, and let life be the beautiful thing that is even if sometimes it can be heartbreaking. The heartbreak and lessons learned are what makes love, life and friendships so much more worthwhile, and without these things life wouldn’t be as pleasurable. A girlfriend of mine has been seeing a guy for 8 months but is hesitant to move to the next phase and begin a real relationship with him. However she does like him and says that he is the greatest guy she has ever met and he in fact has changed her life but that she feels like she is not ready for a "relationship". I beg to differ and I told her that she is ready for a relationship but is instead getting in her own way and will not let herself be in a relationship. I feel as though she is scared to put herself out there because she does not want to be hurt again but every relationship is not going to be like the last, she does have the choice to take everything she has learned from the past and make this relationship a better one if she chooses to do so. She will eventually have to open her heart again as we all do at one point or another to someone even if it is not the guy she is seeing at the present moment, so why not open her heart now being that she has found someone she really likes and that likes her in return.
To her, I hope you trust the woman you are enough to make yourself happy. Love is amazing and maybe it is your time to feel just how amazing it can be after all this time. You have learned from the past and are a wiser and better person because of those things that taught you some of the hardest lessons. Do not let yourself miss out on love and all the wonder things that it will bring to your life because you are scared or feel as though you are not ready. Instead have a positive outlook and look at is as a journey that can be this beautiful and life changing experience. Many people never get the chance to experience love, so know that you are truly blessed because you have the opportunity for love to be a part of your life again. Hopefully you can find it in your heart to give love a chance before you throw it away again, it may surprise you this time around.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Will I Meet Love Again

I often wonder how often does love come around and will I be single for the rest of my life? Better yet will I fall in love again or will love pass me by? Lately I feel like I do not even know what to think about love and I am left wondering does it still exist. Honestly I am a little scared because I am afraid I will not ever fall in love again. I know that being scared that I will not fall in love again is rather silly but it is also the truth. I guess maybe instead of putting so much thought into it, I should just let go let flow and see what happens. Love is an amazing thing to experience and it will take hold of you when you least expect it, that is something that I have learned and is very true. I am not out looking for love because I feel like if its meant for me it will find me wherever I am at in my life. However, I wonder will it find me ever again? I asked my borrowed Momz just this question "do you think I will ever fall in love again?", her response was "yes you will fall in love again and soon". At that very moment I knew that if Momz believed that I was going to fall in love again, the I should believe it to. After all love is what makes the world go round.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Past And A Bad Day

Even after you let go of some of the most hurtful things in your life they sometimes will come back. Disruptive, hurtful, and inconvenient all over again, they will be there whether you want them there or not. Two days ago the past came back to deliver some news that surprisingly shook me a little on the inside. The news came to much surprise but I thought back to something that a wise woman told me 8 months ago, and that was don't try to get revenge instead revenge will happen own its own. The news itself was actually a bit of revenge but it hurt a little too. A very prominent male friend in my life taught me lesson in a different way today, that was that I do care and even if I don't love the past anymore I can care. Caring about someone doesn't make me wrong nor does it make me love that person again. He also made those moments of chaos and confusion more understanding and peaceful as he always does, so I want to say thank you to him. After the past couple of days of mixed emotions that I have had and surprisingly a few calm conversations with the past, I realize that some things will remind you and teach you even after you let go of them. That's what they are supposed to do, those things will sneak up on you in memories over time because they show you the lessons that you have learned and just how far you have come. So with this being said a bad day is just a day and I will make tomorrow a better one. <3

SN:: Thanks to CM for your enlightenment in my moment of chaos.....And Aria singing that song oh how you made today a better one for me *ROADRUNNER*!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Just Me

After much debate about starting a blog, I have to admit I feel like I made the right decision with creating this site. I had a lot of thoughts about going into this project and a lot of skepticism about whether or not I could actually do it and stick with it. I have to say I surprised myself with all that has been accomplished since I began this blog, because even though its challenging at times I have still found things worth writing about. Even if it in my opinion will never be as good or as talented as close friend of mines blog with whom I admire so much, I have come to realize things don't have to be about music or celebrities all the time for it to be worth reading. I thoroughly enjoy writing on this site and I know that it will only get better from here. This is my life and I enjoy every second of it regardless of the love woe, friendship problem, or one of the many lessons I write about daily, I happen to love it. Although I admire other bloggers sites, I also admire my own for the simple fact that it is something real that nobody will ever be able to take away from me because it is me and my life that it consist of. One of the biggest lessons I have learned is that I don't have to be hip hop, fashion, or sports to have something to blog about. Instead I am just myself, that chick with a Sex and the City aura that won't stop writing not even for one second.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Just Have Fun

Can one person really not have fun or know what fun is ? I myself know that I have fun and I like having fun. I really do not understand how someone does not have fun but I also do not know the reason behind a person not having fun or wanting to have fun. However, I have thought about this topic and I continue to wonder how someone doesn't have fun or better yet does not know how to have fun. If you think something is funny then you laugh, is laughing not a form of fun or having fun? Maybe for someone who says that they do not have fun, they simply have no idea what fun really is. Maybe they do not have fun but because they do not accept the fact that some things are fun and can be fun. Why is it really so difficult to just let go and have fun? I wonder these things simply because I can't truly grasp the concept that someone cannot have fun as an adult. Maybe it is not the fact that an adult cannot have fun, maybe it is that an adult does not want to have fun, or accept the fact that they can have fun if they let their guards down. Letting your guard down is a big part of just having fun and fun can bring so much to one's life. I can appreciate the fact that some people have been through things in their life that makes them more guarded to the things they allow in their life and the way they go about living their life. However, I still do not agree with the fact that someone will never have fun, just because I believe everyone should give havng fun a fair chance. Think about it, can you really live your life to the fullest without having fun?

SN:: Today I challenge you to have fun. Try it, let your guard down, and maybe just maybe you will surprise yourself.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Get This In Time

I continue to tell someone of my past and who is still a huge part of my present how I feel. I usually say how I feel at those random, unexpected, timing is never right times and without even gathering my thoughts. I feel as though I can't breathe because my nerves are too nervous at the random times, if that makes any sense at all. You are still a constant part of my life and heart, but I believe that will never change. I hope in time, before I lose you completely that you will understand where I come from with all of my many feelings. The situation with us has not been perfect but the time hasn't either, which leads me to believe there never has been a fair chance for us whatsoever. I feel as though everything continues to bring us back to one another, or me back to you because there is truth in the situation. My feelings are real I don't draw them on with a pencil just to erase them, they are inked in permanent marker and haven't left since the beginning and more than likely will not leave. So I ask you to please find it in your heart to understand and accept what I am saying, and know that I truly mean it more than anything. There will never be this kind of history with anyone else regardless of future situations. I feel like I wouldn't know how to hang on to someone else the way I have you through everything from the good to the bad. However I do get a little discouraged because I feel like I have said some of the same things to you more than enough. I can only hope that saying them one more time will be the deal breaker that will make you realize that I really am sincere. Please get this in time so that I can finally breathe again. <3