Monday, January 24, 2011


"Trust" the word of so much importance, why do we really need to know what it is? As human beings trust is a way of life, the end to many things and the beginning of others? So many times it is hard to learn how to trust or to just take a leap of faith and do it? Perhaps it is because we have to train ourselves to do such a brave and not so simple thing. How do we make ourselves trust? What is the lesson plan to teach ourselves to trust the things that aren't so easy to trust and talk ourselves out of trusting the things we shouldn't have given an ounce of our trust in the first place? Misleading at times trust is sometimes the hardest thing to come by especially when dealing with relationships or even friendships. For relationships to have longevity there has to be a vital amount of trust between two people so that the relationship has the right building blocks for growth. For two people to truly love one another there has to be trust, if there is no trust there is no love nor is there a functioning relationship. The question that is often asked what is love without trust, and the answer, love is nothing without trust. Friendships have less precautions, the importance of trust is valued a little differently, unless however you are someone like me, guarded at all times with both friendships and relationships. From experience I have learned that once trust is broken, it is hard to ever compensate or get it back, which is usually why things are never the same. Lessons taught through experience play a huge factor with being able to trust people and situations. The harder the lesson the harder it may be for someone to trust certain things. There ,however, are things that we trust and take little to no time making our decisions to trust it because we think there is less of a risk involved. Though we may go through certain things in life, there comes a point in time when we have to learn from the things that once made us so cautious about trusting and be done with them. Those lessons and experiences that make it harder to trust aren't there to control us, they are there for the sole purpose of being the stepping stones to lessons we must learn. Trust is simply what we make of it, to trust or not to trust is very detrimental in how we live our lives and the relationships and friendships we encounter along the way.

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