Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Guys.....Learn To Get To Know Women

I am not a man hater nor am I a man pessimist but there are some things that I have a very strong opinion about. In today's day and time men seem to be creatures from a different planet. They for the most part prove to be on a totally different page than women and reading in the words in a different language too. Most men claim to know everything about the female population but in reality they have no idea about women. A certain guy made a comment today and if he was in my presence I would have laughed in his face because really he has no clue about women. He said "all women basically want the same thing, they want a man to be there for them". I highly disagree, not every woman is the same and men definitely need to get to know the needs and wants of a female , instead of thinking they know what we as women are all about. Men are hard to read but if a man can't read a woman, he may not stand a chance in ever being with her. Guys, knowing what kind of handbag to buy or flowers she likes is not important in comparison to what you should really know about a her. Knowing how to treat a woman and respecting her mind, body, and every part of her is a big key to getting to know the real her. After all a woman's virtue is a mans greatest glory. Being her friend before all else and showing her that its not all about the physical aspect of a relationship , but instead about building a strong foundation , may actually be the key to the best relationship any couple can have. One of the most important things is showing a woman that certain kind of love, the inconvenient, consuming , can't live without each other real love. Showing her that love lets her know beyond everything else that she is truly important to you. To truly know a woman and her worth, is to love her in more ways than one. So guys listen up there is no need in all the talk about what you think you know, instead get to know the woman you want and remember actions speak volumes when trying to impress that special woman.

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