Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Pretty Is As Pretty Does

The statement is very true pretty is as pretty does. I speak for everyone man or woman when I say this, what is on the inside of you is makes you the most attractive. Ladies remember if you act like a lady you will attract a gentleman and gentlemen if act like a true gentleman you will attract a lady. Your morals, the way you carry yourself, and your self respect makes you the most attractive. All the time I hear you are so pretty or so beautiful and while I am thankful and appreciative of these compliments, I also want to let people know the outside of me doesn't come close to comparing to the beauty on the inside of me. The make up I have on, my shoes, and clothes make me look pretty on the outside but the inside of me surpasses all outside attractiveness that you will see. Knowing my self worth and who I really am will make me far more prettier than the way I look on any good or bad day. The way you dress, what brands you wear, and how your hair looks are only the facades that make you pretty, inner beauty will outshine these things on any day. Pretty on the outside surely doesn't mean pretty on the inside, you can be a fly person with the best swag ever and be dark on the inside. When you are happy on the inside it makes you beautiful on the outside and no matter what, your true colors will always come to the surface. When you want to be truly attractive be who you really are, the real you because it is much better to be the real you than the fake somebody else. Remember human is absolutely beautiful and perfect is absolutely boring.

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