Wednesday, March 23, 2011

New Beginnings

We all at some point in our lives have experienced new beginnings. The new beginnings may be new relationships, friendships, or just life. Starting over or starting something new is definitely exciting and scary, but all worth it too. It means being able to experience something you never have before and being able to truly appreciate a new opportunity. I have had many new beginnings in my life and have experienced first hand just how wonderful something new can truly be, when its fresh and new. So whenever you are blessed or lucky which ever you so choose to be and are able to experience a new beginning be open to it. New beginnings aren't bad and doesn't necessarily mean that something bad has happened to allow you to start over, it just means there is something even better to look forward to. With everything new in your life that you are able to experience always make it worthwhile because with each experience comes some of the best lessons and blessings life has to offer. Remember in life every ending is a new beginning.

To my best friend Heather or as the world knows you Herfection ....Happy Relaunch Day! I hope your party tonight be filled with lots of happiness and a new beginning that you will never ever forget, I only wished I could be there. You are so much of the reason that I write this blog.....Thank You. <3

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